Explore these targeted exercise programs to help alleviate TMD symptoms. Remember, consistent and gentle practice can make a difference over time.
The Posture Correction Program focuses on improving alignment and reducing strain, promoting healthier posture to support TMD relief.
The Rocabado 6x6 is a science-based, evidence-supported program commonly used by physical therapists to effectively manage TMD by improving jaw stability, posture, and muscle function.
The Bulletproof Neck Strengthening program is an advanced regimen designed to enhance neck stability, strengthen deep neck flexors, improve full range of motion, and build resilience using band exercises and chin tucks.
The Tension Headache Relief program is tailored for those suffering from tension headaches, neck pain, and temporalis muscle strain, offering targeted stretches to ease discomfort and promote relaxation.
The Bruxism and Overuse Relief Techniques program is designed to relax and relieve overworked muscles around the jaw, helping to reduce tension and discomfort caused by excessive clenching, grinding, or overuse injuries.
The Ear Relief program is designed to alleviate symptoms like ear fullness and tinnitus through a combination of muscle stretches, targeted trigger point massage, and a gentle jaw diagnostic technique.
Disclaimer: These exercises are intended as general guidance for TMJD relief. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise program.